
Ancy Joe Abraham was born and brought up in an educated, christian family in south India. Her parents were Pastors, and they taught her to pray, study the Bible, and belong to a local church family.

She received Jesus as her personal Savior at the age of eight. When she was twelve, during one of her family prayer meetings, she had a powerful experience from the Lord, and she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and took water baptism at the age of thirteen.

God enabled her to do schooling and university studies excellently well. During the third year of undergrad degree in pharmacy, she attended a discipleship training camp hosted by the Campus Crusade for Christ. During the very first session of the camp, she dedicated her life to go as a missionary for Jesus.

During those days, she used to watch revival meetings and healing crusades happening in America and around the world. After undergrad studies, during her job-hunting days, God shifted her attention to know what her real purpose in life.

When she was twenty-two, she committed her life to doing full time ministry. Little did she know that God had been preparing her for the future work. The Lord enabled Ancy and her husband Joe Abraham to start a Christian organization in South India. They conducted many youth retreats, campus tours, and training programs. They witnessed the marvelous work of the Lord happening among young people.

There was a divine transition where the Lord directed them to expand their vision to reach marketplace leaders. While they were attending the Believers Convention (Texas) in 2016, they got a divine connection and invitation to visit Tulsa. While preparing to come to the USA in 2018, they strongly sensed the Lord asking them, “Go to Tulsa.” The Lord performed some amazing miracles all through the journey of their faith.

To Jesus be all the glory!


I am Ancy, thanks for visiting my site. I write blog posts and Facebook posts.

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